
PCM recognized in Top 100 Managed Service Provider List

Earlier this year PCM was recognized in an industry list that annually ranks the top 501 managed service providers (MSPs) across the globe. As if that wasn’t exciting enough we were further honored by being ranked within the top 100 in the small business category! We’ve been working hard over the last couple of years refining our service offering and striving to give great support and expertise.

Upgrade Office 2010 to Office 2013 for free

Now that Office 2013 is available for purchase, what if you have recently purchased Office 2010? Does this mean that you missed out and have to purchase the new release if you are looking for the latest features? The good news is that for a limited time Microsoft is allowing people to upgrade their Office software for free.

Season’s Greetings from PCM

As we approach the end of another year we wanted to take a moment and send season’s greetings from all of us. Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming year.

Ed & Henrietta VanderLaan, Adrian VanderLaan and staff:

Pattie Atherton, Hette Feenstra, Mark Kottelenberg, Alvar Vandenbeukel and David VanderMeulen.

Ontario Environmental Fee Increases

For the last number of years residents and businesses in Ontario have been charged an Environmental Handling Fee on electronic purchases. Starting January 1, 2013 we will be adjusting our billing system to reflect the new fee schedule.

What does this mean for our clients? Some of the most common changes are as follows:

Computer Monitors < 29” increase from $11.00 to $12.35
Desktop Computers decrease from $3.50 to $3.40
Portable Computers increase from $0.70 to $2.30
Desktop Printers increase from $5.40 to $11.45

For complete details of the new fee schedule, or to learn more about environmental handing fees or “eco fees”, please visit the Ontario Electronic Stewardship website.

Consumer vs. business computers, is there a difference?

Working with many different small businesses we often get asked this question. Frequently purchasing a new computer is left to the last minute and at first glance is seems easier to run out to the nearest retail store and pick up a shiny new system. In addition these same retail stores are often advertising systems at great discount prices, but is it really cheaper in the end? What’s really the different between the consumer models found in retail stores and the business models available through resellers or directly from the manufacturer?

When comparing different computer models the conversation quickly focusses on the technical specs.

Introducing PCM’s newest team member

As we transition from spring to summer we also went through some changes at PCM. Earlier this year Jake left PCM to take up a new position in an enterprise IT department which left us a little short-handed for a month or so. Since that time we interviewed various people and are happy to announce that we are back to a full staff with even more robust experience than before.