This year marks our 25th anniversary from a company perspective. What started out in 1993 as a 1-person consulting firm has developed into a mature managed services company with 10 full-time staff. In the technology world 25 years is a long time and so much has changed through the years!
Back in 1993 computers were just starting to get connected to the outside world using dial-up modems, and the Mosaic web browser was released to bring web to the masses in a user-friendly way. Today we live in a world where everything and everyone seem to be constantly connected to each other. Communication, video and music industries have gone through massive changes in the last 25 years and as a company we’ve had to adapt with the constantly changing world of technology.
At the end of this month we are hosting a couple of open houses, one for clients and one for friends and family as we pause and reflect on years gone by. We’d like to thank our clients and family for their continued support in the last quarter century and look forward to more exciting changes as technology continues to evolve. While technology may continue to change, one thing that remains the same is our constant commitment to quality service you can count on.
Don’t remember seeing an invite to our open house and interested in celebrating with us? Just contact our office to RSVP and we’ll be happy to send you the details and add you to the list!